The administration will be powered by Artificial Intelligence after learning from the actual ones, Machine learning will train from real examples of actual administration to be able to predict what to do or to avoid to get the desired results.
There is an established plan to execute that is set accurately by the political party in power thanks to the help of the voters. We voters mandate you to do things as we agreed and follow up to see if they are done properly. The responsible( Minister, Mayor, Councillor) will be replaced if the target is not achieved.; they are selected based on the knowledge and solutions they bring in.
Modern Administration is a set of mathematical previsions based on scientific knowledge. It is like the process involved in a car startup, they are all well calculated, nothing is done by chance. Every detail is calculated and planned before based on the actual budget.
Planning on national government
SOE and Public Entreprises
[gselectform donne=”text=Author_Name,Last_Name,Planning_Title,Description,Planning,Total_Cost,Duration@@file=Five_Years_Planning” choix=”Minister in the Presidency;Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities;Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development;Minister of Basic Education;Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies;Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs;Minister of Defense and Military Veterans;Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries;Minister of Employment and Labor;Minister of Finance;Minister of Health;Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology;Minister of Home Affairs;Minister of Human Settlements;Minister of International Relations and Cooperation;Minister of Justice and Correctional Services;Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy;Minister of Police;Minister of Public Enterprises;Minister of Public Service and Administration;Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure;Minister of Small Business Development;Minister of Social Development;Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture;Minister of Tourism;Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition;Minister of Transport;Minister of Water and Sanitation” tablo=”sector_invest” ]
Planning on local government
[gselectform donne=”text=Candidate_Minister_Name,Last_Name,Planning_Title,Description,Planning,Total_Cost,Duration@@file=Five_Years_Planning” choix=”Accounting Standards Board;Agricultural Research Council ARC ;Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company;Airports Company South Africa ACSA ;Alexkor Limited;Armaments Corporation of South Africa ARMSCOR ;Blind SA;Brand South Africa;Breede-Gouritz CMA;Broadband Infraco;Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa BCCSA ;Cape Town International Airport;Central Energy Fund CEF ;Commission for Conciliation; Mediation and Arbitration;Commission for Employment Equity;Companies and Intellectual Property Commission CIPC ;Compensation Fund;Competition Commission The ;Competition Tribunal;Council for Geoscience;Council for Medical Schemes;Council on Higher Education;Denel Pty Ltd;Development Bank of Southern Africa DBSA ;Eskom;Estate Agency Affairs Board The ;Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa Ltd. ;Film and Publication Board FPB ;Financial Sector Conduct Authority FSCA ;Free State Development Corporation;Freedom Park;Government Employees Medical Scheme GEMS ;Government Employees Pension Fund GEPF ;Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority HWSETA ;Health Professions Council of South Africa HPCSA ;Housing Development Agency HDA ;Human Sciences Research Council HSRC ;Independent Development Trust;Industrial Development Corporation IDC ;Ingonyama Trust Board;Institute of People Management IPM ;Ithala Development Finance Corporation Ltd ;Khula Enterprise Finance Ltd ;King Shaka International Airport;Land Bank and Agriculture Bank of South Africa Land Bank ;Legal Aid South Africa;Limpopo Economic Development Enterprise;Media Development and Diversity Agency MDDA ;Mhlathuze Water;Mining Qualification Authority;Mintek Council for Mineral Technology ;National Advisory Council on Innovation NACI ;National Agricultural Marketing Council;National Archives of South Africa NASA ;National Arts Council of South Africa NACSA ;National Consumer Commission The NCC ;National Credit Regulator NCR ;National Development Agency NDA ;National Economic Development and Labour Council NEDLAC ;National Electronic Media of South Africa NEMISA ;National Empowerment Fund;National Energy Regulator NERSA ;National Film and Video Foundation;National Gambling Board of South Africa;National Home Builders Registration Council NHBRC ;National House of Traditional Leaders;National Housing Finance Corporation NHFC ;National Lotteries Commission;National Nuclear Regulator NNR ;National Peace Accord Trust NPAT ;National Ports Authority NPA ;National Student Financial Aid Scheme NSFAS ;National Youth Development Agency NYDA ;Nelson Mandela Museum;North West Development Corporation;OR Tambo International Airport;Passenger Rail Agency of South African PRASA ;Pebble Bed Modular Reactor Pty Limited PBMR ;Perishable Products Export Control Board;PetroSA Pty Ltd;Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority PSIRA ;Public Investment Corporation PIC ;Rand Water;Refugee Appeal Board;Road Accident Fund RAF ;Road Traffic Infringement Agency RTIA ;Road Traffic Management Corporation RTMC ;Robben Island Museum;Safety and Security; Sector Education & Training Authority SASSETA ;Small Enterprise Development Agency SEDA ;Small Enterprise Finance Agency SEFA ;South African Agency For Science and Technology Advancement SAASTA ;South African Airways SAA ;South African Broadcasting Corporation SABC ;South African Bureau of Standards SABS ;South African Civil Aviation Authority;South African Council for Educators SACE ;South African Council for Social Service Professions SACSSP ;South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator;South African Express;South African Forestry Company Ltd SAFCOL ;South African Heritage Resources Agency;South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport;South African Library for the Blind;South African Local Government Association SALGA ;South African National Accreditation System;South African National Council for the Blind;South African National Parks SANParks ;South African National Road Agency;South African Nuclear Energy Corporation SOC Ltd NECSA ;South African Post Office SAPO ;South African Qualifications Authority SAQA ;South African Reserve Bank SARB ;South African Social Security Agency SASSA ;South African Special Risk Insurance Association SASRIA ;South African State Theatre – Pretoria;South African Tourism;South African Veterinary Council;South African Weather Service SAWS ;Special Investigating Unit SIU ;State Information Technology Agency SITA ;Tax Ombud: South Africa;Technology Innovation Agency;Telkom SA Ltd ;Transnet Ltd ;Universal Service Agency and Access of South Africa;Water Research Commission WRC ” tablo=”sector_invest” ]